{B} Family {Ogden Utah Family Photographer}

This was a FUN Session! This family is one I am related to so I am a little bit biased on the fun part, but really, the boys always make it enjoyable. I loved the colors they chose for their family photos, and I really wanted to find a setting that would work with the color scheme. Yes, I do that sometimes. I drove around for like an hour and found this cool spot where they actually like to go duck hunting. I didn't know that at the time, but it was really cool looking.  This was last summer when there was a ton of wild fires and the sky was filled with the haze. Because of the haze of smoke in the sky it had an extra cool look.  

We actually started with a few shots in their backyard by the red horse barn. I was kind of hoping he would let us take photos in the bull pen with the bulls, but for some reason I think we decided against that.

After we did a few shots at home, we drove out to the bird refuge. On the way there we were talking about "down below", which is where my parents lived when I was born. It was an old run down house right next to the bird refuge. Its no longer there, but the fence from the arena is still there and of course a lot of memories. I remember shooting my moms 22 for the first time, and my dad thinking I was a good shot because I was hitting the target that was the farthest away. I didn't tell him I was actually aiming at the closest one. :) 

Katie VanDyke

South East Idaho Photographer


Baby Maya {Logan Utah Newborn Girl}


Easter Weekend