Baby Griffin { Logan Utah Newborn Photographer}

This little man was sooo adorable. His face has such cute little features, and he pulls some great faces! I had fun playing with his big brother while we tried to get him back to sleep. Mom was amazing and Dad even showed up towards the end. We had a bunch of fun! Here is baby Griffin's birth story as told by his cute mom...

" I went to my OB for my 27-week appointment. He checked my cervix and told me I was 3 cm dilated and 90% effaced and he said he didn't think I would make it to my next appointment before the baby came. While I did believe him, I told myself not to get excited - you just never know how things will go. Later that night, as I was winding down to get ready for bed, I started having contractions. After 15 minutes or so, I started timing them. They were 3 minutes apart, and they kept coming. I woke my husband after an hour and told him I thought we should probably go in. Even though the contractions were coming steadily, some were not as strong. I told myself it was probably false labor - after all, I was still only 37 weeks. We checked into the hospital and an hour later, the nurse wheeled in my IV and told me it was the real thing! I was kind of shocked! I hadn't planned on him coming for a few more weeks. 6 hours of labor and 9 minutes of pushing later, our sweet 6 lb 15 oz baby Griffin arrived! He was healthy and beautiful and it was just such a wonderful day!"

Katie VanDyke

South East Idaho Photographer

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