Katie V. Photography

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Madi+ Layne= Cutest Couple EVER! {Logan Utah Engagement Photographer}

The first two photos of this blog basically sum up the feelings during this session. Just Happyness :) Earlier this year I donated a few sessions to a charity auction, and Madi's brother bought one and gave it to her to use for their engagement photos. So, not only are they super fun, they have super big hearts! We started their session up Logan canyon and we did some fun flirty poses and games. Then we changed outfits and headed to another location on the other side of Cache Valley. Both locations were outdoorsy, but a totally different look. The second location we tried some poses that Madi had found online and showed me. I met these two when I was in elementary school in Malad Idaho. Layne rode the same school bus as me from the time I was 8 till I graduated from High School. We did a little reminiscing about the day the school bus driver ran into a tree on the first day of school. Nobody was hurt but it is a memory I will never forget for sure. I met Madi in grade school as well. She showed 4-H sheep with all of my siblings and I. I think she was grand champion a few times. 

Madi and Layne have been dating for about a year officially, but they have known each other for pretty much their whole lives. I asked them if they wished they had dated in High School, and both of them said no. ha ha. Madi's older brother and Layne were pretty good friends in High School, so that could have been a little awkward for all of them. Layne is a total gentleman though because when he did finally decide to date Madi he asked her brother if he was ok with it. #sweetest thing ever! Layne also asked Madi's Dad for permission when they decided they wanted to get engaged. He actually had the ring for a few weeks, and Madi knew somehow (secret) so she was impatiently waiting for him to ask and he didn't so she was starting worry. They were planning to go to a Jazz game and she thought for sure he would propose then... but he didn't. So the next day they decided to go to a hot tub because Layne had a hurt back, and she was totally not expecting for him to purpose, and that is when he did. She said she was really suprised even though she knew he had the ring. She loved that it was a little more romantic and special than what she was expecting if he had proposed at the Jazz game. 

Their love is genuine, easy, fun, playful and oh so sweet. My friend Blake is going to be photographing their wedding and I am so excited for him because its going to be amazing!! I loved this whole session. Their relationship is real happy, real silly, real sweet and real fun.

I had a hard time choosing which photos to post so there are a lot of them. If you make it all the way to the bottom you can see a video of how cute they are :)

I did a little bit of video for them and its posted at the bottom if you want to watch it.