Katie V. Photography

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Winter Family Session Family {Sheep Rock Soda Springs Idaho}

We actually froze during this whole session, but it was so worth it to have these precious family photos! Also, the little skiff of snow was soo perfect for winter family photos, dont you agree?

Preparing for family photos in the snow requires a little extra effort, but it's worth every moment. To make this experience truly magical, here are a few tips to help you prepare:

  • Bundle up: Layering is the key to keeping everyone warm and comfortable during the shoot. Bring out those cozy sweaters, hats, and scarves that your grandchildren love. A pop of neutural color against the white snowy backdrop adds a touch of whimsy to the photos.

  • Timing is everything: Plan your session during the late morning or early afternoon when the sun is at its peak. Its warmest then and the soft, diffused light will lend a dreamy quality to the photographs. Additionally, make sure everyone has a hearty breakfast or lunch beforehand to keep their energy high.

  • Warm car close: I always try to keep the warm car running and close so we have a sport to get warm between photos! Seriously so nice for those little babies who get clod so quickly!

  • Patience and flexibility: Remember, capturing the perfect shot sometimes takes time. Children may get the urge to have a miniature snowball fight during the shoot, and that's okay! Be patient and flexible, as these impromptu moments often result in the most candid and memorable images.

Let's embrace the snow, laughter, and love, as we freeze these special moments in time, and capture the best winter family photos we can!!