Stylized Formal wedding photo shoot {Green Canyon, Logan Utah}

I am excited to post about the photo shoot I was able to put together the day before Valentines day! 

I had the opportunity to collaborate with some amazing photographers and vendors for a Winter Wedding Stylized Shoot!

HMUA: Tiffany Johnson Hair + Makeup
Florals: The Flower Grotto Elizebeth Berezay
Accessories & Cake: Carly Anderson, Mustard & Sage
Models: Marquel & Koddy Thigpen

Everyone came together for this shoot and it turned out beautiful! I had originally planned on location being about a half hour drive up Logan Canyon, but I checked that location about 4 days prior to the shoot to find that there was ZERO snow on the trees, which was something I REALLY wanted for this shoot. I decided to find us another location, and for once I am so grateful Cache Valley has inversions. The inversion keeps the valley colder and it keeps the snow from melting, just a little bit longer. Bonus also, the new location was a lot closer for everyone. YAY! 

After Chatting with Carly, creator and owner of Mustard and Sage, we decided it would be best to have two different color themes to go with her high quality wedding accessories. Carly makes all of her stuff by hand and in the color and patterns that you want. She is amazing! She also made the cake as well as provided some of the wedding decor. I will be blogging about one color theme at a time, because well, they both deserve their own blog. Elizabeth, with The Flower Grotto , put together an amazing bouquet, boutonniere and cake floral that matched the color we were wanting perfectly! And lastly, Tiffany, with Tiffany Johnson Beauty,  did a spectacular job on the hair and Makeup! She went above and beyond with getting them all ready! Our models were so great at stickin it out in the cold. I think they may have lost feeling in their toes and fingers, but there were NO complaints!  We had great and SUPER talented vendors to work with, which is always very helpful. 

Katie VanDyke

South East Idaho Photographer

{L} Family {Cache Valley Utah Family Photography}


Sweet Baby {D}